TruTrace Technologies Inc.
TruTrace Technologies Inc.

The Issuer is a full-service software company that builds technology to move and track products around the world. With the launch of its premier product, StrainSecure, TruTrace developed and commercially deployed the first integrated blockchain platform, that registers and tracks the quality of legal cannabis/ TruTrace's technology was specifically designed to power the traceability of testing standards within the legal cannabis, nutraceutical, food and pharmaceutical industries with a focus on the authentication of source materials or ingredients used in formulation. The data is proprietary, immutable and cryptographically secure, thereby establishing in a single-source, accurate, validated and permanent accounts from inception to market.
TruTrace Technologies Inc. (TTT)
SEDAR Information
Company Info
News Releases
2023-0902 - Suspension - TruTrace Technologies Inc. (TTT)
le 5 septembre/September 2023
Effective immediately, TruTrace Technologies Inc. is suspended pursuant to CSE Policy 3. The suspension is considered a Regulatory Halt as defined in National Instrument 23-101 Trading Rules. A cease trade order has been issued by the Ontario Securities Commissions.
For more information about Cease Trade Orders, visit the Canadian Securities Administrators Cease Trade Order database at